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Admission Requirements For SUN Application 2024/2025

The admission requirements for SUN Stellenbosch University vary depending on the program of study and level of study. However, in general, the following are some of the common admission requirements for undergraduate programs at SUN:

  1. National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Senior Certificate (SC) with a minimum admission point score (APS) and specific subject requirements.
  2. National Certificate Vocational (NCV) level 4 with appropriate subject combinations and specific subject requirements.
  3. Higher Certificate or Diploma qualifications with relevant subject combinations and specific subject requirements.

Some programs may have additional requirements in addition to the ones listed above, such as submitting a portfolio of work, passing a test of aptitude, or finishing an interview.

Admission Requirements For SUN Application 2024/2025

An average of at least 60% in the NSC, IEB or relevant final school examination. The average is calculated by taking your highest score in Language of Learning and Teaching subject (English or Afrikaans) + (5 x best results in 20-credit subjects excluding Life orientation and Mathematics 3).

What are the minimum academic requirements for a bachelor’s degree?

  • 30% for a South African Language of Learning and Teaching (English or Afrikaans), and
  • an achievement rating of 4 (50% – 59%) in four 20-credit subjects.

How do you calculate your National Senior Certificateaverage?

Highest score in Language of Learning and Teaching (Eng or Afr) + (5 x best results in 20-credit subjects excluding Life Orientation and Mathematics 3). The total is then divided by 6.

How do we assess international qualifications?

  • ​Final school results from International​ Curriculum (Cambridge International, International Baccalaureate, etc.), including School of Tomorrow.  
  • Click here for the minimum requirements for international curriculums. (A-levels, AS-levels, IB diploma and GCSE/IGCSE/O-levels) 
  • Also meet further requirements specific to the programme(s) of your choice as set out in the programme outlines under the various faculties

Click here to download the Minimum Admission Requirements for 2022-intake​

Further Reading >>Online Application For SUN

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