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How To Start A Catering Business In Ghana

How To Start A Catering Business In Ghana

Start A Catering Business In Ghana – In Ghana , Catering has become one of the fast growing business .

What is Catering?

Catering is the business of providing food service at a remote site or a site such as a hotel, hospital, pub, aircraft, cruise ship, park, filming site or studio, entertainment site, or event venue.

As a caterer you should be prestigious, you should have all the facilities and expertise for providing quality services.

There are various types of catering, in this aspect we are going
to talk about the wedding catering, the wedding catering
consist of various sections and it includes;

  • Cook service
  • Table settings
  • Waiters

Which school is the best catering school in Ghana ?

  • Jenny’s Catering School
  • EKGS Culinary Institute
  • Dainess Chef’s School
  • Khameen Professional Institute
  • Prime School of Hospitality & Culinary Arts
  • Cake Techniks International

Steps to Start A Catering Business In Ghana

Caterers source ingredients from suppliers, prepare food for events, transport food to events, present or serve food at events, and clear up afterwards. Below are the steps to Start A Catering Business In Ghana ;

1. Create a business plan

Starting a business you’ve dreamed of building, remember to keep a level head. Beginning with a well-thought-out business plan can help to ensure your success.

Who’s your target market?

First, work out who you’ll sell your services to. Are there lots of offices in the area, which are home to businesses in need of corporate catering? Do you live in a town full of young families, who may be looking for someone to cater birthday parties?

Maybe there are beautiful stately homes nearby, which are perfect wedding venues that don’t provide their own catering service.

What’s your niche?

Second, it’s a good idea to decide on a specialism. You may choose to cook comfort food classics. You could be a posh party food specialist. Or perhaps your skills lie in a cuisine from another part of the world. Specialising is a good way to stand out from the crowd.

What should I include in my business plan?
  • Your background, including skills and experience
  • A description of what your catering company will offer
  • A description of your intended customers
  • Market research you’ve carried out
  • Your marketing strategy
  • Details of your competitors
  • Your USP (unique selling point)
  • Operations and logistics, including equipment and transport
2. Register Your Catering Business

The government requires you to apply for a licence if you carry out any ‘food operations’, which may include selling, cooking, storing, preparing, and distributing food.

Company registration fees in Ghana (government + professional) are discussing in the following:

Initially investors need to pay fees for checking the availability of company name as well as obtaining incorporation forms. The total time of completing this process could be 1 day. Read details Here

3. Environmental health inspection

You can contact your local environmental health officer to arrange an inspection. This will ensure your food preparation facilities are up to the hygienic standards required for preparing food for public consumption.

It’s also worth brushing up on general food law by reading the guidance on the Food and Drugs Authority website.

Doing these things can help safeguard against compensation claims from customers who’ve become ill due to eating your food.

4. Catering business insurance

With this in mind, it’s worth considering what insurance you’ll need for your catering business. Public liability insurance can protect you if someone is injured or their property is damaged because of your business.

If you run a catering business and have staff working for you, you’re required by law to have employer’s liability insurance. This will cover you for claims brought against you by employees should they become ill or suffer injury while working for you.

5. Keep accurate records

There are other things you can do to minimise risks, including keeping your business records in order. This includes everything from your financial records to your ingredients and suppliers.

If you’re investigated, for whatever reason, it’ll help ensure that you can easily prove that you’ve done everything above board.

6. Catering service equipment

Finally, you’ll need the right tools to make a success of your business. If you’re starting a catering company from home, you’ll probably have a lot of the kitchen equipment you need to prepare for smaller scale events.

However, as your business grows, you may need to think about investing in industrial catering equipment, or doubling up on everyday kitchen tools if you’re preparing batches of a particular dish back to back.

Starting out in your catering business should be fairly straightforward once you have all the necessary registrations and certificates in place. Then it’s up to you to decide how and how much you’d like your new venture to grow.

Source : Simply Business

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