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Student Loan Trust Fund Requirements of a Guarantor

Student Loan Trust Fund Requirements of a Guarantor

Your loan application must be guaranteed by any one of the following guarantors (SSNIT contributor, Recognized Religious Body, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assembly and Corporate body).

SNNIT Contributor Guarantor
a. Must be a Ghanaian
b. Must be an active contributor to the SSNIT pension scheme.
c. Must have contributed to the SSNIT scheme for at least 36 months or 3 years.
d. Must not be more than 53 years old.
e. Must not have guaranteed for more than one (1) person already. (Parents can however, guarantee for all their children)

Religious Body
a. Must be a member of a recognized, national religious body.
b. There must be evidence of the Institution’s decision to guarantee (Resolution).

Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies
a. There must be evidence of Resolution by the Assembly to guarantee student loans.
b. The resolution should indicate 2 authorized signatories.
c. Signatories must include the Chief Executive.

Corporate Bodies
a. The company must be a member of Ghana club 100 and/or a company listed on the Ghana Stock at the time of guarantee.
b. There must be a board resolution authorizing the guarantee.
c. Two signatories are required and should at least be  at Senior Management position.

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