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The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) Enrichment Modules To Heal Ghana Improve Revenue In Ghana

The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) Enrichment Modules To Heal Ghana Improve Revenue In Ghana

For the successful and effective delivery of national development, expenditures must be matched by improved revenue. There is no doubt that a lot of work is required in the revenue mobilization and collection in the country. There are reports of marginal improvements in revenue mobilization in the public sector; but the net still needs to be cast wider to bring in all those liable to pay tax. Tertiary graduates in a “Revenue Ghana” programme could provide a workforce and minimal technology solution to generate the requisite revenue for the development of Ghana. The GRA as a matter of urgency requires an action plan to address the challenges of revenue mobilization. The GRA has indicated a staffing support need of about 6000 personnel on the NABCO scheme.

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