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Where to Buy Diatomaceous Earth in South Africa

Diatomaceous Earth offers numerous benefits, including pest control and health supplements. If you’re in South Africa and wondering Where to Buy Diatomaceous Earth in South Africa, you’re in luck. Here’s a comprehensive guide to finding this natural product in South Africa. What is Diatomaceous Earth?

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a natural, sedimentary rock derived from diatoms’ fossilized remains. DE is rich in silica and minerals, and comes in food-grade and industrial-grade forms.

Why Buy Diatomaceous Earth in South Africa ?

For Pest Control

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a popular natural pesticide used for controlling insects like ants, bedbugs, fleas, and cockroaches without the use of harmful chemicals.

For ealth and Beauty

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is widely used in health and beauty products for its silica content, which promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails, and its exfoliating properties.

For Household Uses

Diatomaceous earth is versatile in household use beyond pest control, serving as a deodorizer, spill absorbent, and natural cleaner for surfaces like countertops and floors.

Where to Buy Diatomaceous Earth in South Africa

Where to Buy Diatomaceous Earth in South Africa

Eco-Earth Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth South Africa

  • Midrand, South Africa
  • +27 66 256 0262

The ProHealth Shop & Nursery

  • Pretoria, South Africa
  • +27 82 856 9925

Takealot offers food-grade DE






Factors to Consider When Buying Diatomaceous Earth

  1. DE comes in two grades: food-grade, safe for human consumption, and pool grade, used for filtering swimming pools, while food-grade DE is safe for dietary supplements and internal parasite cleanses.
  2. DE micron size refers to the diameter of DE particles, with smaller sizes being more effective for killing insects and larger sizes being better for pool filters.
  3. Choosing a reliable source for DE, whether organic or food-grade, is crucial to ensure safety standards are met.
  4. DE is available in various sizes, so it’s crucial to determine the appropriate quantity for your intended use and choose a cost-effective option.
  5. DE prices vary based on grade, micron size, source, and quantity. Compare prices and find the best deal by shopping around.
  6. DE, is a dust and can irritate the lungs if inhaled, so it’s crucial to wear masks and eye protection, and keep it out of children’s and pets’ reach.

Is diatomaceous earth safe for pets and children?

Yes, food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe for use around pets and children. However, avoid inhalation of the dust and ensure proper ventilation during application.

Can I use diatomaceous earth for internal detoxification?

Yes, food-grade diatomaceous earth can be consumed as a dietary supplement for detoxification purposes. However, consult with a healthcare professional before use.

How long does diatomaceous earth last?

When stored properly in a dry and sealed container, diatomaceous earth has an indefinite shelf life.

Can diatomaceous earth be used in organic farming?

Yes, diatomaceous earth is approved for use in organic farming as a natural pest control and soil amendment product.

What is the difference between food-grade and industrial-grade diatomaceous earth?

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is suitable for human consumption and use around pets, while industrial-grade DE is intended for commercial applications such as filtration and industrial processes.

Source. scoutafrica.net

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