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Where To Buy Quail Birds In Nigeria

Where To Buy Quail Birds In Nigeria

Where To Buy Quail Birds In Nigeria ? You can purchase Quail Birds in this various places in Nigeria and it’s nearby area’s or you can also purchase Quail Birds both online and offline in Nigeria such as Local Poultry Farms: Agricultural Markets: Online Platforms: Poultry Associations: Agricultural Shows and Exhibitions etc….

What is meant by Quail Birds

Quail birds, commonly referred to as quails, are small to medium-sized birds that are members of the Phasianidae family. These are ground-dwelling birds that are extensively dispersed around the planet. The rounded bodies, short wings, and striking plumage patterns of quails are well known.

Benefit of Quail Birds in Nigeria

In Nigeria, quail birds have a number of advantages for both people and the agricultural sector. The following are a few of the main advantages of quail birds in Nigeria:

  • Diverse Market Demand: The market for quail goods is expanding in Nigeria. Quail meat and eggs are prized for their distinct flavor, health benefits, and nutritional value. Farmers now have the chance to target specific markets and meet the demand for quail products.
  • Quail birds are renowned for their hardiness and resistance to specific poultry diseases. Comparatively simpler to manage and maintain than other poultry species, they are less prone to common poultry diseases like avian influenza or Newcastle disease.
  • Quail birds have a short reproductive cycle and mature very quickly when compared to some other poultry species. They also have a high reproductive potential. Since quails can begin laying eggs as early as 6 to 8 weeks of age, turnover is sped up and potential for higher productivity is boosted.
  • Quail birds are ideal for small-scale farming because of their small size and propensity to thrive in constrained places. Making effective use of the available land resources, they can be raised in backyard setups or in compact enclosures.
  • Economic Possibilities: Quail farming offers people and communities in Nigeria economic possibilities. Farmers can make money by producing and selling quail so they can sell the meat, eggs, or breeding stock. When compared to certain other livestock farming techniques, quail farming can be started on a small scale and requires less area and money.
  • Healthy Meat and Eggs: Quail meat and eggs are incredibly healthy. Quail meat is renowned for being high-quality protein that is lean and low in fat. Quail eggs are prized for their delicacy and are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are also renowned for having a lot of protein.

In Nigeria, quail birds provide a variety of advantages, including dietary value, economic potential, effective land use, rapid maturation, disease resistance, and a wide range of market demand. These elements support the country’s quail farming industry’s popularity and profitability.

Where To Buy Quail Birds In Nigeria

Quail Nigeria

Address: Rantia State Locust, Jos, Nigeria
Open ⋅ Closes 5 pm
Phone: +234 806 226 6370

Karfi Quail Farm

Address: 58 Funtua Rd, 832103, Malumfashi, Katsina, Nigeria
Open ⋅ Closes 6 pm
Phone: +234 803 381 7695

Quail Eggs Birds

Address: Front Of Favour Estate Chikakore, 901101, Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Open ⋅ Closes 7 pm
Phone: +234 815 367 6054

Casonat Quail Fa

Address: Federal Housing Authority, House 77, 43 Road Lugbe, 029009, Abuja, Nigeria
Open now
Add full hours

Phone: +234 805 440 2342

Quail Farm Products

Address: 5,Blue Orange Guest In Road, Ilorin, Kwara, Nigeria
Open ⋅ Closes 5 pm
Phone: +234 803 589 2097

Frequently Asked Question About Quail Birds in Nigeria

Here are some frequently asked questions about quail birds in Nigeria:

Are handling quail birds accompanied by any health risks?
Although handling quail birds is usually seen as being safe, it is always crucial to follow adequate hygiene and biosecurity procedures when working with any kind of poultry. Following contact with the birds and their equipment, this involves thoroughly cleaning your hands.

Is quail farming permitted or subject to any rules in Nigeria?
It is wise to inquire about any rules or licenses needed for quail farming in your particular area with your local agricultural authorities or extension services. Depending on the area, rules and restrictions could change.

Can I start raising quail on a tight budget?
Indeed, quail farming can be initiated on a modest scale. The initial expenditure needed for quail farming is less than other animal farming techniques. To ensure the quail birds’ welfare, it is crucial to set aside money for housing, feeding, and other supplies.

Can I keep chickens and quail together?
Quail birds and hens should normally not be kept together. Quail birds require different diet and are more prone to several illnesses than chickens could carry. For the sake of both species’ health and well-being, it is essential to keep them apart.

What is the typical quail bird lifespan?
The typical lifespan of a quail bird is between two and three years. Yet, some quails can live longer than 3 years with the right care and supervision.

Can I put quail eggs and meat on the store shelf?
In the market, you are allowed to sell quail meat and eggs. Nigerian consumers have an increasing appetite for quail items, so you may want to consider selling directly to them.

Does housing for quail birds need to be special?
Quail birds require shelter that offers defense against predators, appropriate ventilation, and room for movement. Wire mesh or solid walls can be used to create housing with distinct areas for nesting, eating, and resting.

What do my quail birds need to eat?
Quail birds eat a variety of seeds, grains, insects, and greens in their diet. To make sure they eat a balanced diet, you can also give them commercially available quail feed. It is imperative to always have access to fresh water.

How many eggs are laid by quail birds?
The quantity of eggs that quail birds deposit varies based on the species and particular bird. A female quail can often lay 200 to 300 eggs per year.

However, before beginning a quail farming operation in Nigeria, it’s crucial to carry out additional study, speak with local experts, and get advice unique to your region.


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